In examining the noise and vibration problems for machineries such as
the oil-injected twin screw compressor studied in this work, both the receiver
test and path test can be conducted, respectively, for identifying sources and
transmission path effects. This work
presents the primary investigation for noise and vibration evaluation on the
oil-injected twin screw compressor operating in different loading capacity
conditions by performing receiver tests. The 1/3 octave band frequency analysis
is first shown to calibrate the major contributed bands for compressor noise as
well as the overall A-weighted sound pressure level (SPL). The narrow band or
linear frequency analysis is also adopted to characterize the relation between
the emission noise and compressor shell vibration. The physical interpretation
of spectral contents for both noise and vibration is shown.
屏東科技大學機械工程系所 振動噪音實驗室實驗室主持人:王栢村教授
聯絡電話:08-7703202 #7017 / 7036
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