Improving Machining Techniques
為了瞭解加速規的質量效應對於薄殼元件的影響,使用 Polytec 雷射測振儀針對有無加速規的量測情況進行實驗,實驗結果顯示加速規的自身重量造成薄殼元件的頻響函數將近 50%的誤差,所以薄殼/質輕元件的頻率響應函數量測應使用非接觸式量測取代傳統加速規。

High speed machining is a widely used process in the aeronautical industry to machine low stiffness structures with thin walls and floors where high tolerances are required. Machining of these types of structures may experience regenerative lateral vibrations for some cutting conditions. The inherent nature of variable dynamic conditions of these milling and machining processes are likely to be the culprits by which the finished parts exhibit poor surface finish and lower productivity of those manufacturing processes. Stability lobes diagram methods are common techniques that use dynamic information to define stability regions in which it is possible to find the appropriate and desired combinations of machining parameters. With this technique, the experimental Operational Frequency Response Functions (OFRF) and regular FRF are required to feed the Enhanced, Multistage Homotopy Perturbation Method (EMHPM).
Comparison Between Laser Vibrometry and Existing Measuring Methods
It is well-known that accelerometer mass load on heavy structures has negligible influence on dynamic measurements. However, those effects are not negligible when the workpiece mass is small. Since the accuracy of the OFRF directly affects the stability lobes diagram, it is important to study the accelerometer mass loading effects over the stability diagrams to predict accurately the dynamic behavior when milling thin walled parts.
In order to study accelerometer mass loading effects on thin walled structures, we performed several impact tests at different locations over aluminum 7075 thin-walls (1 x 35 x 50 mm) and collected the corresponding FRFs by using a 0.6 gram accelerometer. We repeated the measurements using a Polytec CLV-2534-2 Compact Laser Vibrometer that allows dynamic measurements without adding mass to the workpiece. The dotted lines shown in fig. 1 represent the frequency response functions acquired using the accelerometer and Laser Doppler Vibrometer (LDV) under the same conditions.

However, the measurements performed with the accelerometer exhibit the same dynamic
modes but with peak values at 580 Hz and 1366Hz. These differences in the recorded FRF spectra were noticed during experimental tests because of the sound pressure level produced by the thin wall workpiece. The 525 Hz shift of the FRF value of the first peak mode is attributed to the effect of the accelerometer mass.
modes but with peak values at 580 Hz and 1366Hz. These differences in the recorded FRF spectra were noticed during experimental tests because of the sound pressure level produced by the thin wall workpiece. The 525 Hz shift of the FRF value of the first peak mode is attributed to the effect of the accelerometer mass.
In order to verify our experimental observations, we performed measurements by using the LDV with the accelerometer attached to the workpiece. The results, shown by the
dashed line in fig. 1, are the same as those collected with the accelerometer. This experimental test confirmed the accelerometer mass-loading effects over FRF values, which not only causes a shift of the frequency value of about 48%, but also changes considerably the modal damping of the system. In addition, we expect changes in the calculated stiffness. As expected, the effect of the accelerometer mass increases as 1 mm thickness of wall material is re moved from the workpiece during the machining processes.
dashed line in fig. 1, are the same as those collected with the accelerometer. This experimental test confirmed the accelerometer mass-loading effects over FRF values, which not only causes a shift of the frequency value of about 48%, but also changes considerably the modal damping of the system. In addition, we expect changes in the calculated stiffness. As expected, the effect of the accelerometer mass increases as 1 mm thickness of wall material is re moved from the workpiece during the machining processes.

the cutting processes, we compute the stability lobes by using the EMHPM for both accelerometer and vibrometer measurements. The stability lobes plotted in fig. 2 are generated for a ½ inch diameter end mill with 2 teeth, a helix angle of20º, and a radial depth of cut of 0.8 mm.

For a 26,500 rpm spindle speed, the maximum vibration amplitudes were recorded up to 0.3 m/s (fig. 3), with a confirmed stable behavior through the frequency spectrum which corresponded to the tool passing-frequency and its harmonics. On the other hand, an accelerometer-predicted unstable boundary region was explored by LDV OFRF responses (fig. 4). In this case, the velocity amplitude at 30,000 rpm reached 0.6 m/s. The frequency domain exhibits a chatter frequency.
Fig. 5 shows a comparison between the modal parameter values obtained by using both the FRF of the accelerometer and the laser vibrometer recorded data. It can be clearly seen that an accelerometer of 0.6 grams attached to the thin wall workpiece has a significant effect on FRF measurements.
原文出處: Polytec InFocus, Issue 02 2012
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