【T26】國立成功大學 建築研究所 環控組 永續建築設計工學研究室
建築研究所 環控組
永續建築設計工學研究室(SBDE Lab.: Sustainable Building Design/Engineering Laboratory)延續江哲銘教授所創建之永續健康建築研究室(BOHAS Lab.), 主要針對永續建築之設計與建築物理間之議題進行探討。主要研究課題包含建築熱與濕氣環境模擬、室內空氣品質、建築聲學、自然通風、綠建材、建築耗能模擬與 評 估、空調設備等。研究方法以現場實測、實驗室量測與數值模擬等量化評估為主。希望能提出符合在地特質,並結合設計專業與工程專業考量的設計建議。研究題目:
- 室內空氣品質相關課題 Indoor Air Quality
- 調濕建材與建築濕氣控制 Moisture Buffering Material & Indoor Humidity Control
- 揮發性有機化合物吸附建材 VOCs Absorptive Material
- 建築聲學相關課題 Building Acoustic
- 住宅排水設備噪音 Noise Generated From Drain Pipes
- 住宅樓板衝擊音之控制 Floor Impact Sound
- 台灣透天厝的綠色設計相關課題 Green Design for Row Houses in Taiwan
- 住宅陽台設計對通風性能之探討 Impact of Ventilation of Balconies Design
- 台灣氣候下零耗能建築之設計策略 Zero Energy Building in Taiwan
- 運用導光板之節能效益與視覺舒適性評估 Light Shelf for Energy Conservation
- 永續校園相關課題 Sustainable Campus Project
- 室內環境感測及互動系統應用於環境教育 Environmental Sensing System for Environmental Education
- 設計實務相關課題 Practical Works
- 大山空間設計林宅設計案熱浮力通風器性能檢測 Case Study on a Wind Tower of a Row House
- 東海大學路思義教堂熱環境調查與改善計畫 Luce Chapel Conservation Research: Investigation/Improvement of Thermal Environment
實驗室主持人:蔡耀賢 教授
【T27】國立臺灣科技大學 機械工程系 聲響與創意實驗室
本聲響實驗室近三年來主要研究領域:- 噪音量測分析與控制:電動馬達之減噪、輪胎 / 路面之噪音研究、 PC 機殼的噪音減量對策、消音器的基本性能解析。
- 振動測試 / 分析 / 模擬 / 改善:車輛振動傳遞途徑分析、輪胎胎體的振動實驗與模擬、振動式水位指示計的改良設計、球拍之避震分析改良。
- 聲學:二胡之評估剖析與改良、產品之聲音品質研究、行動手機之喇叭音效提升、旋轉機械的聲音品質分析、室內聲環境之量測與分析。
- 車輛抗翻覆性之提升(殘障機車、遊覽高層巴士)
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單膨脹室型消音器 |
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二胡蟒皮之模態分析 (LDV) |
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轉動機械模擬試驗機 |
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輪胎路面噪音量測 |
實驗室主持人:徐茂濱 教授
【T28】國立屏東科技大學 機械工程系 機器視覺與檢測實驗室
機械工程系 機器視覺與檢測實驗室
- 以視覺檢測搭配自動化機台
- 學習自動化設備及視覺檢測
- 與業界交流合作並實際應在產線上
- 設計檢測機台機構
- 機械手臂與視覺檢測整合
【T30】國立屏東科技大學 材料工程研究所 材質設計與應用實驗室
【T31】國立屏東科技大學 車輛工程系 複合材料與輕結構實驗室
車輛工程系 複合材料與輕結構實驗室
CaLS Lab (Composites & Lightweight Structure Laboratory) was established in July 2002. The mission of CaLS Lab is to support students in learning the knowledge of composite materials and lightweight structure design. Recently, the crucial issues of energy crisis & environmental protection result in overwhelming researches in new energies and new powers for the transportation. Besides, the technology of weight saving is also critical to vehicle development. Lightweight structure & component may significantly increase the fuel efficiency and decrease the CO2 emission of the vehicles. The research showed that 10% weight reduction may result in 6~7% increase of fuel efficiency.
In CaLS Lab, we have established strong background and experiences in designing lightweight structure and components for vehicles based on our well-developed techniques in CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering), EMA (Experimental Modal Analysis), impact crash simulation & test, THF (Tube Hydroforming) & SHF (Sheet Hydroforming), and filament winding, etc. We have successfully applied our techniques to serve the product design for automotive, aerospace, mechanical, military and electronic industries such as sedan car, SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle), OUV (Off-road Utility Vehicle), ultra-light aircraft, sounding rocket, armor vehicle, transit buses, motorbike, and 3C products.
In CaLS Lab, we have established strong background and experiences in designing lightweight structure and components for vehicles based on our well-developed techniques in CAE (Computer-Aided Engineering), EMA (Experimental Modal Analysis), impact crash simulation & test, THF (Tube Hydroforming) & SHF (Sheet Hydroforming), and filament winding, etc. We have successfully applied our techniques to serve the product design for automotive, aerospace, mechanical, military and electronic industries such as sedan car, SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle), OUV (Off-road Utility Vehicle), ultra-light aircraft, sounding rocket, armor vehicle, transit buses, motorbike, and 3C products.
- 車體與底盤結構設計分析
- 航太載具結構設計分析
- 複合材料設計與分析
- 結構碰撞模擬與測試
- 結構振動測試與分析